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  • CD-Review: “Django´s Tiger”

    CD-Review: “Django´s Tiger” The guys playing on this album are no newcomers at all on the gypsy jazz scene. Foremost the bassplayer Jan Jankeje who already played with Bireli Lagrene in the 90ies recording CDs with him. But also the other two musicians Yorgui Loeffler (Git.) and Mano Guttenberger (Git.) are well known. Guitarrist Yorgui…

  • CD-Review: David & Danino Weiss – The new Gypsy Sound

    David & Danino Weiss – The new Gypsy Sound feat. Bireli Lagrene & Stochelo Rosenberg Within one year the two outstanding musicians David & Danino Weiss present their second CD, “The new Gypsy Sound” feat. Bireli Lagrene & Stochelo Rosenberg and some more guest musicians like famous Hono Winterstein (RytmGit), Wolfgang Lackerschmid (Vibraphone), Alexander Haas…

  • Django Reinhardt – private Life (1/6)

    Django Reinhardt – private Life (1/6) Although Django Reinhardt became a worldwide known Guitar-Idol and of course is the musical inventor of the (Gypsyjazz-)Jazzguitar who left his footprints and innovations especially in the style of playing Jazz and JazzManouche-guitar. But still many people know almost nothing about himself as a human beeing or his personality and…

  • Django Reinhardt – Guitar-Maestro (2/4)

    Django Reinhardt – Guitar-Maestro (2/4) A dramatical event at November 2nd 1928 stopps the carreer as musician of young Django, just 18 years old. His wife Bella had prepared flowers of plastic which were made for sale on the market the next day, and had spread them around all over the caravan. By accident a burning…

  • Gypsyjazz History (1/3)

    Gypsyjazz History (1/3) – To understand how the music-style of “Jazz Manouche” or “Gypsyjazz” (also known under the name “European Jazz”) came alive, one must learn a bit about the history of the Sinti & Roma. According to the oldest records the people of the Sinti are descended from the Indians. They lived and worked…

  • Gypsyjazz History (2/3)

    Gypsyjazz History (2/3) – The musical journey Beeing expelled from their country (India) the Sintis had to leave their country with their families. They made their way, first barefoot later on using light horse-wagons, passing Uzbekistan, Iraq, today’s Iran (at that time called Persia). Further through Kurdistan and Turkey on their way till the lower Balkans…