“Gypsyjazz Guitar – a tribute to Gypsyjazz”

“Gypsyjazz Guitar – a tribute to Gypsyjazz”

Gypsyjazz or JazzManouche is the first style of Jazz that was developed in Europe in the wild days of the early 1920-30ies.
The influences of that music origin from american Swingmusic as well as french Musette-Waltzes, hungarian Çsardas or spanish Flamenco, as of the original music of the Sinti – a melange which all together has been mixed and played by the french Manouche-musicians of that era.

Django Reinhardt, is the most famous protagonist of Gypsyjazz or Jazz-Manouche (french. manouche = gypsy), who undoubtedly has left his deep footsteps in this Jazz-style with his very unique, creative and virtuoso way of Guitar-playing bringing it to worldwide recognition and has been influencing uncountable guitarrists even until today.

In the tradition of the Manouche (french Gypsies) the typical phrases and play-techniques of Gypsyjazz usually only have been orally transmitted from generation to Generation inside their families, without ever been written down into sheet music. Thus the access to these special forms of music, their tricks and specials remains secret even if there is a need of authetic material to play the „Django Reinhardt-Style“.

Bertino Rodmann, guitarist from Frankfurt / Germany playing Gypsyjazz since the early 1980ies, has taken care of this job and presents the attempt of an authentic introduction to the style of the Jazz-Manouche with his methodbook “Gypsyjazz Guitar”.

The aim of his book is to explain the typical and authentic rhythmical and soloist’s aspects of the Gypsyjazz-playing, as well as to grow the respect for the ancient tradition of the Sinti and Manouche, who are the creators of this music.

"Gypsyjazz Guitar - a tribute to Gypsyjazz"

Many guitarrists that are interested in Gypsyjazz and for example are coming from playing Blues, Rock or Popmusic often have the  problem to be able to see thru and understand the many facets of JazzManouche and/or to find a suitable learning method. Of course meanwhile there are lots of CDs, DVDs and methodbooks on the market, but as well many of these aren´t easy to understand for a beginner of this style nor are they really suitable for learning the style in an authentic yet easy way.

Bertino developed this guitar-methodbook for beginners of Jazz-Manouche on the knowledge basis of his own guitar-workshops in the style, to open up a clearly structured method to learn and understand this music from scratch.

In his book Bertino uses a different aproach to develop the style with more “easy-to-understand examples” of known songs like  “Minor Swing”, “Blues en Mineur”, “Douce Ambiance” or “Blues Clair” – which all together show a very close relation to traditional Blues, to explain the authentic play-techniques, scales and melodies that are beeing utilized in Gypsyjazz

On 150 pages the book contains many interesting explanations and pictures to explain the utilized guitars, strings, picks and more, as well as many personal remarks, tipps and Tricks of the author. Particularly a great focus is used on the very authentic mediation of the style as to grow the respect for the ancient tradition of the Sinti and Manouches.

A total of 5 songs from Django Reinhardt and the “Quintet du Hotclub de France” as well as 2 original compositions of the author,   are included in the book all written out with staffnotations / tabulatures of many examples, tricks, licks and more on rhythm- and solo playing.

To roundup all content there are also many examples of licks typically utilized by famous Gypsyplayers like e.g. Django Reinhardt, Stochelo Rosenberg, Lollo Meier, Romane and many more.
Additionally the book has an audio-CD which contains 83 sound examples of all exercises, songs as well as suitable Playalong-tracks of the contained songs for practicing. The book is available in german and, since 2013, also in english language.


  • Rhythm-Guitar:
  • Comping
  • La Pompe-Rhythm
  • Dead Notes
  • Gypsychords
  • Voicings
  • Blues-Cadence
  • Chord Substitution
  • SoloGuitar:
  • Reststroke-Picking
  • Arpeggio-Picking
  • Sweptstroke-Picking
  • Scales
  • Arpeggios
  • 13 Solo Licks (of famous Gypsyjazz-players)
  • 7 Songs in staffnotation/TABs (7 complete Songs + Solos)

With Play-Alongs, staffnotation & tabulature (ISBN-10: 3-933136-86-5)
The price is 27,90 EUR incl. Audio-CD (plus delivery).

You may order the book at Amazon.de, with Alfred Publishing, Cologne or directly here on this page.


Gypsyjazz Guitar -a Tribute to GypsyjazzGypsyjazz Guitar – a tribute to Gypsyjazz
Gypsy-Jazz bzw. Jazz-Manouche ist der erste in Europa entstandene Jazzstil.
Seine Einflüsse kommen aus dem französischen Musette-Walzer, dem ungarischen Çsardas oder dem spanischen Flamenco, sowie der Sinti-Musik selbst, die von den Sinti-Musikern in Swing-Phrasierung interpretiert wurde.
Ziel des Buches: Nicht nur eine umfassende Gitarrenschule für Gypsy-Jazz Gitarre zu verfassen, die die rhythmischen und solistischen Aspekte der Gypsyjazz Gitarren-Spielweise vermittelt, sondern auch den Respekt gegenüber der uralten Tradition der Sinti.

Inhalt Teil 1: Rhythm Guitar: Comping, La Pompe-Rhythmus, Dead Notes, Gypsychords, Voicings, Blues-Kadenz, Chord Substitution
Inhalt Teil 2: Solo Guitar: Reststroke Picking, Arpeggio Picking, Sweptstroke Picking, Skalen, Arpeggien, Solo Licks

Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH; Auflage: 1 (15. Oktober 2011)
Sprachen: Deutsch / English ISBN-10: 3933136865 – ISBN-13: 978-3933136862

148 Seiten, mit Play-alongs und Noten & Tabulatur + Audio-CD Preis: 25,80

Erhältlich bei Amazon, Alfred Verlag oder www.bertino-guitarrist.com

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