History – Jean-Pierre Favino


Jean-Pierre Favino, born 1952 in Paris, is the only son of Jacques Favino. Jean-Pierre studied building instruments on the “School of applied industrial Arts”.

Since 1975 Jean-Pierre started to join his father Jacques Favino in the workshop and learned the craftsmanship of building guitars from him. Together they both were building guitars until the late 1984, when his father retired finally to move to south-france. His first known guitar Jean-Pierre had built around 1979.

Officially he took over the workshop from his father in 1984/85, while there was a transition period when both father and son built guitars together from aproximately 1980 until 1983/84.

Alike his father Jacques always had an “open ear” for the wishes and dreams of musicians, also Jean-Pierre Favino feels like a “mediator” between the musician and the instrument.

In the first years after he took over the workshop Jean-Pierre Favino still builds the guitars as he learned it from his father, sticking to his original contruction-plans and models.

It is just from 1990 when he starts to look for his own ways of building guitars and changes the way of making and construction.

Since then he mostly had built the Models No. 10 to his fathers exact plans, but then he starts to change his design strongly, thus more blueprinting from the original Selmer-type design with smaller bodies and other kind of bracings. He then also changes the tailpieces and tuners as well as the design of the headplates (see also Features of original Favino-Guitars).

What still remains is the high craftsmanship that Jean-Pierre Favino had learned from his father, to manufacture instruments of highest quality. Until today the name “Favino” is connected to the making of finest instruments and many famous musicians played and still play his guitars.

Jean-Pierre Favino reduced his production-capacity to aproximately around 30 instruments per year. Latency times of 2-3 years for a guitar out of his workshop have become normal.

Actual Adresses

Jean-Pierre Favino’s workshop in Paris:
31 Rue Reuilty in Paris. Metro Reuilty-Didot
Mostly he is to find there at the end of each month. It is obliged to call before making a visit.

Jean-Pierre Favino’s 2nd workshop and living-adress:
Les Gaouats 31160 Castel Biague, Frankreich, phone : +33 – 561 901 027

To finish out the history-series of Favino, we offer you an interesting and highly informative 3-paged Interview with Jean-Pierre Favino as pdf for download (right-click, save-as), which was made with him by Berhardt Gierstel from the association HotClubNews.de in the year 1992.

Read more -> Features of original Favino-guitars (1/3)

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