JM-Guitar-Gallery – Favino Guitars (1955-80)

JM-Guitar-Gallery - Favino Guitars (1955-80)

Here in this section ” JM-Guitar-Gallery – Favino Guitars (1955-80) ” you´ll find our image archive of the famous Favino-Guitars built from 1955-80 by Jacques Favino (the father).

The younger builds from 1981-20xx, made by Jean-Pierre Favino you´ll find in the other section of our JM-Guitar-Gallery – > Favino Guitars (1981-20xx).

All OTHER Favino Guitars (like classical, Nylon-, or Western-, as well as other extraordinary builds of Favino-Guitars) you´ll find in the section JM-Guitar-Gallery -> Favino (other guitars) or -> Favino Archtops.

(To watch please choose a guitar and double-click on it):

Favino Guitars (1955-80)
This is the section for Favino Guitars ("Model No.10") built by famous luthier Jacques Favino in the years from 1955 to 1980. The younger Favino guitars ("Model No.10", "Model JazzS" and "Model JazzN") built by his son Jean-Pierre Favino from 1980/81 to 20xx you´ll find here in the other section. All other Favino guitar models (e.g. "Model 1b", "Model JazzEl", "Classical", "Western" or else kind of guitars) you will find in the section "Favino guitars (other)"

Please note that sometimes the labels have been removed (for whatever reason) or just been detaching by lack of glue. Thus they are missing. Thats why we organized the gallery first according to their date of build and by adding "unkown numbers" e.g. like "1xx" or else to get some sort of continuity. Also note that sometimes some serials got mixed up by their creators, thats why some serials don´t maybe correspond to the year they were actually built. Some of the older instruments from years 1955 to 1960/61 even didn´t have serials at all, thus the label just contain a signature or year but no serial.
(All guitars are sorted ascending date of build and along with their serial numbers). All images remain © copyright of their respective owners.
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