All about Django

JazzManouche, Sintiswing, Gypsyjazz, “Zigan”-Jazz – the music of Gypsies, the Sinti & Roma and their heritage of french “Manouche” or “Bohemians” (…how the Gypsies are called in France) it has many names. Wether what it´s named – all togther it has the strong use of guitars in this music.

Released and strongly influenced by the musical genius of the belgian Gypsy Jean-Baptiste “Django” Reinhardt who was raised in Paris/France around early 1920ies, the man who made the Jazz-guitar in european Jazz to what it is today – a wonderful Soloinstrument – the History of Gypsyjazz has become strongly bound to his name.
Until today Django Reinhardt is truely one of the most worshipped guitarrists on our planet – for good reasons. His musical virtuosity has printed the deepest footsteps into european Jazz making it possible to develop in first place.
Here on our Django-the GuitarMaestro articles you will find out more about the man and his life. Learn about his Family, about his musical genuis and his work as an outstanding artist.

You will develop many unknown and astounding background-infos about this truely incredible musician and man.
Please choose your desired issue for more infos on Django Reinhardt and the History of Gypsyjazz as of the special Instruments used in JazzManouche.
Django Reinhardt – Guitar-Maestro (1/4)
“Gypsyjazz Guitar – a tribute to Gypsyjazz“
Gypsy-Jazz bzw. Jazz-Manouche ist der erste in Europa entstandene Jazzstil.
Seine Einflüsse kommen aus dem französischen Musette-Walzer, dem ungarischen Çsardas oder dem spanischen Flamenco, sowie der Sinti-Musik selbst, die von den Sinti-Musikern in Swing-Phrasierung interpretiert wurde.
Ziel des Buches: Nicht nur eine umfassende Gitarrenschule für Gypsy-Jazz Gitarre zu verfassen, die die rhythmischen und solistischen Aspekte der Gypsyjazz Gitarren-Spielweise vermittelt, sondern auch den Respekt gegenüber der uralten Tradition der Sinti.
Inhalt Teil 1: Rhythm Guitar: Comping, La Pompe-Rhythmus, Dead Notes, Gypsychords, Voicings, Blues-Kadenz, Chord Substitution
Inhalt Teil 2: Solo Guitar: Reststroke Picking, Arpeggio Picking, Sweptstroke Picking, Skalen, Arpeggien, Solo Licks
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH; Auflage: 1 (15. Oktober 2011)
Sprachen: Deutsch / English ISBN-10: 3933136865 – ISBN-13: 978-3933136862
148 Seiten, mit Play-alongs und Noten & Tabulatur + Audio-CD Preis: 25,80
Erhältlich bei Amazon, Alfred Verlag oder
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