JM-Guitar-Gallery – Selmer/Maccaferri Guitars

Here in this section ” JM-Guitar-Gallery – Selmer/Maccaferri Guitars ” you´ll find our image archive for the famous Selmer®/Maccaferri Guitars built from 1932-34.

You´ll find the later builds from 1934-52 in the other section JM-Guitar-Gallery -> ” Selmer Guitars (1934-52)“.

More Maccaferri Guitars are listed inside the section ” JM-Guitar-Gallery – Maccaferri (other Guitars) “. These are the models that have been built after Mario Maccaferri had left the Selmer company.

(To watch details please choose an instrument and double-click on it):

Maccaferri Guitars (1932-34)
This section shows the typical early "Model Orchestre" and "Hawaiian" Maccaferri D-hole guitars. Basically these are Selmer guitars as they were designed and built by Mario Maccaferri for the Selmer® company as the first Gypsyjazz guitars. Later on followed the "Model Jazz" with the small O-hole, which were also designed by him as well, but were built after he had left the company starting around mid 1934. We show these models in the separate "Selmer" section above. (All guitars are sorted ascending with Serial Numbers or date of build). All images remain © copyright of their respective owners.
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