The REAL Gypsyjazz Book

The REAL Gypsyjazz Book

The REAL Gypsyjazz book is a collection of 330+ (Gypsy-)Jazz tunes with their chordcharts compiled into one book.

The REAL Gypsyjazz book” contains 330+ tunes starting with Gypsy-traditionals, original tunes from Sinti-composers like Django Reinhardt, Fapy Lafertin, Dorado Schmitt, Angelo DeBarre, Bireli Lagrene, Stochelo Rosenberg, Moreno, Tschawolo Schmitt and many, many more.

This plus as well as most of the common “contemporary Jazz” tunes played in all (Gypsy-)Jamsessions all over the world.

This book is the most comprehensive and detailed collection of (Gypsy-) Jazz-tunes available all put together into one book. It may as well become the ideal compagnion for any Jam-Session for any (Gypsyjazz-)player as well as for the student who is eager in learning new and exotic tunes rarely found anywhere else.

The REAL Gypsyjazz Book ab sofort erhältlich

The REAL Gypsyjazz book is NOT compareable with the well known available “Jazz-Realbooks“, as in these are mostly only anglo-american Jazztunes beeing featured.
The REAL Gypsyjazz book instead clearly focusses on the european, french and german Sinti-composers, but contains a whole bunch of standard Jazztunes as well.

Want to know more? Discover the huge contents of this book right here … discover here just a small (!!!) assorted excerpt from more than 330+ songs of the contents of this eBook.

What are you waiting for? Get your copy now and start playing all the fancy Gypsytunes that you cannot get any material for anywhere else!

Click here to get your copy of the The REAL Gypsyjazz book and download your eBook (pdf DIN A4) for only 24,90 €

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The REAL Gypsyjazz Book ab sofort erhältlich


Gypsyjazz Guitar -a Tribute to GypsyjazzGypsyjazz Guitar – a tribute to Gypsyjazz
Gypsy-Jazz bzw. Jazz-Manouche ist der erste in Europa entstandene Jazzstil.
Seine Einflüsse kommen aus dem französischen Musette-Walzer, dem ungarischen Çsardas oder dem spanischen Flamenco, sowie der Sinti-Musik selbst, die von den Sinti-Musikern in Swing-Phrasierung interpretiert wurde.
Ziel des Buches: Nicht nur eine umfassende Gitarrenschule für Gypsy-Jazz Gitarre zu verfassen, die die rhythmischen und solistischen Aspekte der Gypsyjazz Gitarren-Spielweise vermittelt, sondern auch den Respekt gegenüber der uralten Tradition der Sinti.

Inhalt Teil 1: Rhythm Guitar: Comping, La Pompe-Rhythmus, Dead Notes, Gypsychords, Voicings, Blues-Kadenz, Chord Substitution
Inhalt Teil 2: Solo Guitar: Reststroke Picking, Arpeggio Picking, Sweptstroke Picking, Skalen, Arpeggien, Solo Licks

Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH; Auflage: 1 (15. Oktober 2011)
Sprachen: Deutsch / English ISBN-10: 3933136865 – ISBN-13: 978-3933136862

148 Seiten, mit Play-alongs und Noten & Tabulatur + Audio-CD Preis: 25,80

Erhältlich bei Amazon, Alfred Verlag oder

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