Masterclass “Gypsyjazz Guitar”
The Masterclass “Gypsyjazz Guitar” with Bertino Rodmann is an intensive Weekend-Workshop where all basic play-techniques of the Gypsyjazz Guitar are submitted.
The offered masterclass is an intensive weekend workshop of 2 x 8 hours (with 1 hour lunch break).
Here are the details of contents of the masterclass:
Day 1, Saturday
- Comping, Jazz-Comping and La Pompe with Chords, Jazz- and Jazz-Manouche Chords, voicings and play-technique
- “Anatole” & “Christopher” (2-5-1 and 3-6-2-5-1)
- simple Minor-/Major-Scales, added 6th, simple Minor-/Major-Arpeggios,
- Pentatonics in Jazz, cadences and practical use,
- Connecting of Scales and Arpeggios,
- building solos for Songs
- FAQs & Answers, Jam-Session with the Songs
Day 2, Sunday
- Picking-Techniques (Arpeggio-Picking, Sweeping, Reststroke-Picking),
- extended Arpeggios & Scales
- Tipps & Tricks, ornaments and phrasings
- Rhythm Swing Pompe, Swing-Valse, Gypsy-Bossa, Bolero
- Extended Jazz-Chords, Minor 6st, 7th und 9th, Maj7, 6/9, Gypsystyle chords (Django-like)
- Extened Scales (Harmonic minor, „Gypsy“-Minor, Minor-/Major-Scale),
- Arpeggios with added 6th, Minor-/Major-paralleles
- How to build a solo – Part 2, complex Solostructures
- FAQs & Answers,
- Jam-Session with the Songs
Masterclass fee: 240.-€ p.P. (2 x 8 hours incl. Sheetmaterial plus free Softdrinks (coffee, tea, water, Limo, Coke, small Snacks).
More Infos
This masterclass is intended for experienced Guitarists with at least 5-6 years of playing experience. Basic knowledge on harmonics and Jazz are a great plus, but no nessesity.
The masterclass is definately not recommended for beginners of guitar, as many play techniques are beeing transmitted in short time, which already need a good playing experience. Real beginners of guitar may contact me for personal guitar lessons as well here.
Course material will be handed out to the participants on start of the masterclass. Within the course we make 2 short breaks of around 15 min. each on a.m. and p.m.
As well as a one hours break for lunch where all participants are invited to take a collective lunch in a nearby cantina or restaurant of choice.
At the end of the course day we will held a short Q+A-session to clear up all left over questions of contents of the day. After that a short Jam-Session with all participants and the “songs of the day” take place as final of the day.
For those who come from more far away there is the possibility to book some reasonable Hotel rooms in the near sourrounding. I urge the participants to take care for their own bookings early enough in advance. Here´s a little collection of Hotels in the near sourrounding of the mastercass location:
Hotel Klein (Bergen-Enkheim)
Hotel City Hotel (Bad Vilbel)
Hotel Ibis (Offenbach-Kaiserlei)
Hotel WeRooms (Karben)
How to find us
Here you´ll find the exact Location where the masterclass will be held (external Link / Googlemaps):
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