Festival Django Reinhardt 2024

Festival Django Reinhardt 2024 – News –
Like every year ever since 1960 also next year in 2024 there will be again held the annual Festival Django Reinhardt in Fontainebleau. The Festival-organizers just announced that today. As well they released the dates and a first programmation. The Festival will take place from 27. to 30. June 2024 as always in the Parc of Fontainebleau´s castle.

The following artists are announced for the programmation for next year:
▪ Les Black Pumas
▪ Sissoko/Segal/Parisien/Peirani “Les Egarés”
▪ Angelo Debarre (mit seinem neuen Programm: “Manoir de Mes rêves”)
▪ Jalen Ngonda
▪ Endea Owens
There are also special tickets, as “Early-bird”-Tickets for 109.-€ for all
4 days beeing offered yet.

As in the years before regrettably the deep impression returns that there will be presented less Jazz-Manouche but again more Pop or Mainstream-Jazz artists.
But if you know about the festival in the past, you will also recognize that the programmation is yet not final at all and will again change thru the coming up months. So there will be a definate programmation mostly shortly before the Festival starts.
We will report about upcoming news.